BCcampus is looking for subject-matter experts from Canada to evaluate open textbooks we are considering for the B.C. Open Collection.
Who is Eligible
We are looking for evaluators who:- Work for or study at a Canadian post-secondary institution
- Have subject-matter expertise in the area covered by the OER. This can be demonstrated by listing courses you have taught, original research you have published, or advanced courses you have completed.
- Have taught courses at the post-secondary level or have completed training in pedagogy.
How it Works
BCcampus maintains a list of OER we are considering for the B.C. Open Collection. We want to ensure the OER we add to the collection are high quality and relevant for people who teach post-secondary classes in Canada. To do that, we need the help of subject-matter experts to evaluate these resources.
The evaluation consists of assessing the OER for accuracy, currency, organization, clarity, equity, and appropriateness for the Canadian context using the Open Textbook Quality Rubric [PDF]. Based on that evaluation, the evaluator will provide a recommendation to BCcampus about whether the OER should be included in the B.C. Open Collection.
We expect evaluators to spend two hours reviewing the text and preparing their evaluation. They have one month to complete the evaluation.
BCcampus supports transparency in the peer evaluation process. OER authors and subject-matter evaluators will be disclosed to each other to support collegial discussion.
Compensation and Recognition
Evaluators who submit a completed evaluation will receive a $100 honorarium in thanks for their time and expertise. In addition, their names are included on a list of evaluators on the B.C. Open Collection website.
Application Form
We are currently not accepting applications to evaluate OER.